

Well-known member
Oct 3, 2002
I made a post yesterday that described my problem incorrectly. I have a requredFieldValidator that checks a textbox named "assumptions." If this text box does not have a value, it displays the validation message when the textbox loses focus or when a button is press that has the property "CauseValidation=True". If I dont fix the validation error and continue to press the "Submit" button the validation is caught again. I have a "if page.isvalid then" statement that bypasses the update code if not valid. My problem is after I press the "Submit" button when the validation message is displaying my form loses all functionality. For example, I make a new selection in a dropdown box that hide one panel and displays another panel; the code run correctly (I checked this in debug mode) but the form does not show what the code is telling the form to do. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? I would hate to create my own validation code with javascript since ASP.NET is suppose to make this easier and faster.

Does SmartNavigation=Tue cause validation not to work correctly? I removed it from my directive and now my code seems to work. I need to do more testing to verify my findings.
