Redefine keyboard menu shortcuts at runtime


Well-known member
Dec 31, 1969
Montreal Canada
Is it possible to do so.
I am pretty sure that it is impossible but I am asking anyway.

PS : I know I am asking a lot of questions since a few weeks but in a couple of monthes, I will be the one who is answering....I swear ! :)
MenuItem1.Shortcut = Shortcut.AltF4
Or if you mean to change the mneumonic, just change the caption
property, and put an apersand (&) in front of the character you
want to mneumonicize. :)
Probably not, but then again, a lot of things couldnt be done that
can in .NET. :)
Yeah !
That is mainly my opinion after one week with .net
At first, you hate the .NET tech for all those changes in syntax but then you start getting confortable with it.
Once you understand that you just cant remove functions, rename items in the source code without being really careful with the UI ( cause this mayb lead to important UI lost ), I found out that there were many new included features ( Windows menu, Anchors etc... ) along with the power of dealing at every time with variables, not object.
So it seems like the good transition to make ;)