VB.Net/C Sharp/ VC++.net/Managed C++


New member
Aug 26, 2002
In the past VC++ was faster then VB in performance.
which is the fastest language in the DOT net family
(VB.Net/C Sharp/ VC++.net/Managed C++) in performance.


Do all the languages RUN with the same speed as they
are all converted to CRL in .Net.

Any help or links would be helpfull,

Thanks in Advace,

I guess you could say that visual c++ .net managed is not c++ anymore..lol
Its all compiled into a same thing, so there is not really a difference. Instead of 3 languages they could make one and it would be the same.

The difference is really syntax only.
Ill give you a quote from a book Visual C++.NET Step by Step :

"Unfortunately, function pointers are a C++ language feature, so theyre of no use in the .NET envornment, where features need to be accessible from many languages."

This pretty much sums up how managed C++ .net is not like C++.
In .NET you have delegates, which are multicast type-safe function pointers :)
Yes I know :)
Thats the point "...in .NET you have..."
Its just not the same cpp anymore :(