Changing system colors


Well-known member
Dec 31, 1969
Montreal Canada
Because we cant change some colors in controls, is there a way to change the absolute system colors on a users machine ?

( or can we use Windows theme only for the active app ?!? )
I really would not recommend this at all. I would close/remove any
program that changed my system settings without telling me. I
dont *think* its possible to do this without API...


Declare Function SetSysColors Lib "user32" (ByVal nChanges As Integer, lpSysColor As Integer, lpColorValues As Integer) As Integer


Still, I really really dont recommend it.
They stopped you being able to customize the colours of those controls for a reason. I recommend you leave them alone, or rewrite them from scratch if you need a wacky interface.
I wouldnt tolerate an application that sets my Windows Theme as well, but Divil, I totally disagree with your point regarding the impossibility of changing default colors.
If some people are unable to design sweet interfaces, thats their problems.
In all my applications, I designed a look customisation...they start with the system colors and if they dont like it, they change it. ALL customers love to have such a feature in their programs.
Now, it hurts more than usual because my program have skins, depending on the customer profile.
And this weakness is really a pain.
I will have to load all my controls from classes to allow this customisation. For one last time, I totally disagree with your affirmation that fixed colors is a good way to prevent ugly layout, because, it has never been my case ;)
Out of curiosity, can I see a screenshot of an app youve designed with a "sweet" interface?