Deadend ! Whre is my old MSFlexGrid :(


Well-known member
Dec 31, 1969
Montreal Canada
I have two grids on a form.
The second one is linked to a table, so no problems here.
The first one needs to have four columns.
User can add and remove rows at will. It is a query builder that is used to filter the records shown in Grid2.

My problem...

The first grid do not need to be connected to a datasource. Somebody told me on this forum to use the listview instead. Great ! But I also need to make a combobox appear each time the user clicks on a cell. Then, I have been told that cant access to listview subitems. Wow ! I am heading back to datagrid, but with all the searches I have made, I am still unable to add a simple stupid column without having my grid linked to a datasource.

Arent there any flexible controls around like the old VB6 MSFlexGrid ?
What I want to do is really simple but the .net components are so linear that I am unable to achieve the simpliest task

Any hints ?

thx :)