So, I have a table of parts where i want to import some data from an excel sheet but I do not want to add parts that already exist.
I can add rows in ADO.NET just fine, but I cant for the life of me think of an efficent way to go to the table, discover if the record exists then edit that record ..
I have tried using the datatables.SELECT method, but you have to set that equal to an array of last attempt was to use the select method without setting it equal to something..which I am not sure works.(the code executes..but the update only works on the first record it finds that already exists..)
thanks for any help>
I can add rows in ADO.NET just fine, but I cant for the life of me think of an efficent way to go to the table, discover if the record exists then edit that record ..
I have tried using the datatables.SELECT method, but you have to set that equal to an array of last attempt was to use the select method without setting it equal to something..which I am not sure works.(the code executes..but the update only works on the first record it finds that already exists..)
thanks for any help>
Public Sub PartImp()
Dim partcount As Integer
partcount = 1
OLEda = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(myOLECmd, OLEcn)
OLEdt = New DataTable()
MyExcel.Sheets("Aug 02 Master").Select()
Dim test As String
Dim readcount As Integer
Dim holdnum As Integer
Do Until partcount = 664
OLEcmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select LineIT,model FROM bomacc WHERE model = " & test & "", OLEcn)
OLEdr = OLEcmd.ExecuteReader
While OLEdr.Read()
readcount = readcount + 1
holdnum = OLEdr.GetInt32(0)
End While
OLEdr = Nothing
If readcount = 1 Then
OLEdt.Select("LineIt =" & holdnum)
OLEdt.Rows.Item(0).Item("Notes") = "Access Control"
OLEdt.Rows.Item(0).Item("Catg") = MyExcel.Cells(partcount, "E").Text
OLEdt.Rows.Item(0).Item("Mfgr") = "Software House"
OLEdt.Rows.Item(0).Item("Model") = MyExcel.Cells(partcount, "A").Text
OLEdt.Rows.Item(0).Item("Pnum") = MyExcel.Cells(partcount, "A").Text
OLEdt.Rows.Item(0).Item("Description") = MyExcel.Cells(partcount, "C").Text
OLEdt.Rows.Item(0).Item("Vendor") = 594
OLEdt.Rows.Item(0).Item("V2") = 0
OLEdt.Rows.Item(0).Item("V3") = 0
OLEdt.Rows.Item(0).Item("List") = Convert.ToDecimal(MyExcel.Cells(partcount, "D").Text)
OLEdt.Rows.Item(0).Item("Upd") = Date.Now
OLEdt.Rows.Item(0).Item("Ptype") = 1
readcount = 0
partcount = partcount + 1
OLEdrw(0) = OLEdt.NewRow
OLEdrw(0).Item("Hrs") = 1
OLEdrw(0).Item("Notes") = "Access Control"
OLEdrw(0).Item("Catg") = MyExcel.Cells(partcount, "E").Text
OLEdrw(0).Item("Mfgr") = "Software House"
OLEdrw(0).Item("Pnum") = MyExcel.Cells(partcount, "A").Text
OLEdrw(0).Item("Model") = MyExcel.Cells(partcount, "A").Text
OLEdrw(0).Item("Description") = MyExcel.Cells(partcount, "C").Text
OLEdrw(0).Item("Vendor") = 594
OLEdrw(0).Item("V2") = 0
OLEdrw(0).Item("V3") = 0
OLEdrw(0).Item("List") = Convert.ToDecimal(MyExcel.Cells(partcount, "D").Text)
OLEdrw(0).Item("Upd") = Date.Now
OLEdrw(0).Item("Ptype") = 1
partcount = partcount + 1
End If
Dim OLEcbDEL As OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder = New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(OLEda)
End Sub
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