

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2002
Poland, Silesia
How did You guys solve the problem od distributing your programs and .NET Framework?

If You distibute it on CD, so when exactly You instruct your user about run setup of .Net Framework first, or maybe You join the setup of framework with Your application setup, somehow... but here is the question: HOW?

If You distribute it via web, so how your potential users react for downloading 20MB of Framework first. Or maybe You pack it all at one .zip file, but there is also about 20MB to download.

Which of this method user would mostly like (least dislike)?
I guess you can let them download it from Microsoft, you can direct them to the exact page and give them a small piece of instruction as well.

In a year or so, most people will have the Framework already.

Also, I wouldnt package it with my app. (my opinion)
Have 2 installs one with the Framework and one without then the user can choose depending on there configeration

The only commercial software I deploy using .NET has an autorun menu on the cd (like most do) with two options, the first being to install the framework and the second being to install the software. There is instruction on what this means both on the autorun menu and in a readme file on the cd.
autorun menu... it sounds great. How did You do this, I thought that every .NET application need framework to work. Or You made it with other tool... tell us more, please...!!!
I would package with my app - Microsoft have created their own bootstrapper that will check the system settings on your users PC - automatically install the .NET framework (if needs be) and then proceed to install the application. Go to MSDN and search for Bootstrapper for a free download!
Just use the binary - you just edit the Settings.ini file to show the path to the .net redist and your msi file - I found no need to edit the source code.
Thats what I thought Divil...
stustarz... thank You Its working just fine, Ive had some problems but I solve them.

oh.. last question, what is the "LanguageDirectory=jpn" in the settings.ini file, what does it do?