Creating your own methods that have optional parameters

Id rather overload.

Public Function myMethod () as string
Public Function myMethod (aParm as string) as string
Public Function myMethod (anObj as object) as string
That is probably VB and I dont think you quite know what I mean. I guess the only way is to use method overloading, right?

I see someone already posted that. Ok, got my answer.
Originally posted by aewarnick
That is probably VB and I dont think you quite know what I mean.
It works in VB.NET, being a .NET related forum, I generally try to provide answers that work in .NET.
I guess the only way is to use method overloading, right?
Ummm... NO. Method overloading is probably a better approach to getting the functionality you require, but the Optional keyword is there just as I said above -- it is exactly what you asked for btw.
Do you have any idea how I would write that optional parameter in C#? I tried a few things but could not get it to compile.
C# doesnt support Optional parameters, your only choice is to use function overloading (a better design anyway).