sql code tag


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2001
Washington, D.C.
Not sure how hard it is to define new code tags, but itd be nice to have an sql code tag. Its obviously not that important but just another little thing to enhance the forum. I could provide the list of keywords, if needed.

Of course if it already exists and Ive just missed it, let me know.
Am i allowed to second this? I suppose its too late to ask considering ive done this post, but seriously, I like to think I am pretty good with SQL and like to answer peoples questions - an SQL tag, like with VB, will make the post easier to read.
There are a few reasons not to do this. One, while there is a
basic list of words that will be SQL in any SQL database, there are
a lot of things that people used to working in one dialect will think
are SQL that really arent (Access is the biggest example). Two,
the parsing code for the VB and C# tags is already extensive and
it would put an additional burden on the server. Three, we might
be going to vBulletin 3 in the coming months. We arent even
sure how to implement the VB and C# tags right now. Four, many
SQL examples are actually concatenated string and literal values
in VB/C# code. No good way to parse these and they would
already be in VB/C# code tags.

On the other hand it is a good idea that I have already considered
in the past. If and when we know how to deal with this for the
future versions of vBulletin, I still might give it a go. :)