2 D Array?


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2002
Array class like ArrayList is a great class because we no need to define the size of array and it will automatic adjust, but how about if I want to use 2D array? can I still use class like ArrayList? how to do?
I would try creating a class and use the two indexes as parameters in a default Item property.


public class WidgetArray

private myWidgets(iCol*iRow) as widget
inherits ArrayList override the methods you wish to use
public default property Items (Byval x as Integer, ByVal y as Integer) as Widget

return mywidgets(x,y)
end get

set (byval value as widget)
mywidgets(x,y) = value
end set

override add, remove and whatever else you need
Dim alMain As ArrayList = New ArrayList
Dim iMain() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

If you needed ArrayList-like functionability for the 2nd-dimension change the array into an ArrayList and add that instead. I would not recommend this method for large lists or processor intensive code blocks, nor is this a viable solution for all cases.
there is almost never a need to do that

just Dim it once... and then make new objects like so...

Dim myThing as Object
Dim myArray as ArrayList
mything = new object(parameters)


mything = new object(paramenters)

(in reality youd probably use a Sub and use the parameters from that Sub to instantiate your new object, that way youd only have one statement..... x = new x(a,b,c setting abc when you call the sub)
(obviously this is just a sample, so your needs will vary, but its a shot)

always tryin to help