Hello guys,
first of all I hope, that Ive put this question in the right forum (General or Network?) and secondly Ive to say, that Im trying to do this for a month and noone could help me so far... I hope you can:
What I want to do is to start an API (=InternetAutodial) located in the "wininet.dll" library, which hasnt to go always on top (following function):
Declare Function InternetAutodial Lib "wininet.dll" (ByVal dwFlags As Integer, ByVal hwndParent As Integer) As Integer
The InternetAutodial-API shows you the well known window, which allows you to connect to the internet -> this window stays always in front to the others and has always got the focus.
So I see this window EVERY time I wish to connect to the internet - example: if Ive opened a game, it minimizes the game and shows this damn screen...
(explanation: Ive got a really f****** flatrate... Sometimes I need about an hour to connect to the net -> so Ive written a program, which tries to connect every minute to the net...)
Im really down... I hope, that someone can help me...
Thank you in advance
first of all I hope, that Ive put this question in the right forum (General or Network?) and secondly Ive to say, that Im trying to do this for a month and noone could help me so far... I hope you can:
What I want to do is to start an API (=InternetAutodial) located in the "wininet.dll" library, which hasnt to go always on top (following function):
Declare Function InternetAutodial Lib "wininet.dll" (ByVal dwFlags As Integer, ByVal hwndParent As Integer) As Integer
The InternetAutodial-API shows you the well known window, which allows you to connect to the internet -> this window stays always in front to the others and has always got the focus.
So I see this window EVERY time I wish to connect to the internet - example: if Ive opened a game, it minimizes the game and shows this damn screen...
(explanation: Ive got a really f****** flatrate... Sometimes I need about an hour to connect to the net -> so Ive written a program, which tries to connect every minute to the net...)
Im really down... I hope, that someone can help me...
Thank you in advance