changing a for loop into a do while loop


New member
Mar 11, 2003
I changed this:

intTotal = 0
For intOuterCounter = 2 To 5 Step 2
  For intInnerCounter = 2 To 4 
    intTotal += intInnerCounter
  Next intInnerCounter
Next intOuterCounter

into this:

intTotal = 0
intInnerCounter = 2
intOuterCounter = 2
Do While (intOuterCounter >= 2 And intOuterCounter <= 5)
    intOuterCounter += 2
    Do While (intInnerCounter >= 2 And intInnerCounter <= 4)
        intInnerCounter += 1
        intTotal += intInnerCounter

In the first loop I get 18, then in the second I get 12. The goal is to get the same result. I need to keep it a nested loop. Whats wrong?[edit]Added VB tags[/edit]
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you do realize the Next statment increments the value by the step THEN checks to see if it is still valid.. if it is out of the defined bounds then the loop terminates thought the value stays the same

what makes you think these 2 will be the same? what number are you trying to return?
You need to change the loop to add the counters at the bottom since a For loop changes the value at the bottom (when it hits the Next statement).

Also, youll want to reset your intInnerCounter on every pass through the outer loop since the For statement does that as well.

Heres a revised version that works, hopefully - I cant test it from here but I hope I did it right :)

intTotal = 0
intOuterCounter = 2
Do While (intOuterCounter >= 2 And intOuterCounter <= 5)
    intInnerCounter = 2
    Do While (intInnerCounter >= 2 And intInnerCounter <= 4)
        intTotal += intInnerCounter
        intInnerCounter += 1
    intOuterCounter += 2

it is for my vb class

the question was to change the for loop into a series of do while loops. The first code was given...the second I wrote. So the first part of the code should execute twice since the statement would be true for the vaulue of 2 and 4. The nested part should execute 3 times, once for 2, 3, and 4. 2+3+4 = 9 so the result I should get is 18. Thank you I just tried the code and it works....Ill have to analyze what I did wrong later and what you said.....Thank you very much