Throw up


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2001
East Coast
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How do I throw an Exception in a method of a class and have it
travel upwards until it reaches an error handler? In other words,
I want the method to raise an error and the methods caller to
handle the error.

Currently I have the method call surrounded in a Try...Catch block,
but when I Throw the error in the method, the error occurs inside
the method itself.

If this isnt possible, should I just have an Error event and raise
the event when an error occurs?

Perhaps I dont understand?
Public MySub()
      do some processing that could throw an exception
  Catch ex As Exception
     Throw New Exception("Error in MySub",ex)
  End Try

End Sub
Is that what youre asking?
Ah, I hadnt thought about that, and that would work great for
the situation that I just described, Im fairly sure.

But just now I realized that the description was incorrect... oops.

The sub that Im throwing the error in is a sub that is called
asinchro-... asyncron-... asyncren-... uh, its called async. :D
Anyway, its a sub thats reading from a socket, so theres no
calling code of the sub to catch the exception.

Ill just set a protected string to the error description, and have
the main method thats called raise the error if the string contains

Thanks Tim :)
Your question has given me the neat idea of calling all my exceptions "up" just so I can Throw Up in my code :)