IE from Windows form

Yes you can...
create a form, add a button and under the click event of the button put the followin code

Dim ie As Process
ie.Start("iexplore.exe", "")

this should work

Heres another method:

It will open in whatever your default browser is.

Using shell is the VB6 way, using the process class or the system.diagnostics is the .NET way, dont use shell
Try the .NET way

shIE = New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer()
With shIE
.AddressBar = False
.FullScreen = False
.MenuBar = False
.Resizable = True
.StatusBar = False
.TheaterMode = False
.ToolBar = Convert.ToInt32(False)
.Height = 575
.Width = 750
.Top = 20
.Left = 20
.Visible = True
Call .Navigate(URL)
End With
Opening Explorer . . . Newbie

I am trying to use this code below, on one form project it works but on another I am getting a debug error SHDocVw.InternetExplorer is not defined.

Open Internet explorer with no link bar
Dim shIE
shIE = New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer()
With shIE
.AddressBar = False
.FullScreen = False
.MenuBar = False
.Resizable = True
.StatusBar = False
.TheaterMode = False
.ToolBar = Convert.ToInt32(False)
.Height = 550
.Width = 800
.Top = 0
.Left = 0
.Visible = True
Call .Navigate(LinkLabel1.Tag)
End With
END Internet explorer with no link bar
To use that method you need to add a refernce to shdocvw.dll, and
I have no idea where in windows it is. Just stick to the Process.Start
way, and youll be fine. :)

add the reference from the COM tab it is the Microsoft Internet Controls (C:\WINNT\System32\shdocvw.dll).

lates :cool:
I got it. . . . . Thanks

Thanks for the super fast feedback. I found the answer.

I needed to goto PROJECT then:

Add REFERENCE, Microsoft Internet Control, SELECT

I guess I did that at some time on the other form without knowing it.