

Jan 19, 2003
I am trying to make a wizard in a single form by using the TabControl dialog. Is it possible to make it so that the actual clickable tabs at the top dont actually appear? As I want the pages to be changed by my own Next and Back buttons at the bottom of the form.
No, I dont think thats possible. You might have to implement a system of panels and change their visibility instead.
An old-school "cheat" is to position the tab control partly off the form (by setting its Location to -16 or whateve the tab height is). You could also "cheat" by placing a panel on top of the tabs, to hide them - in case you cant move the tabs to the edge of the form.

divils idea is another alternative that Ive used. It works especially well for smaller wizards where you dont have to worry about so many panels. If you get too many, its hard to keep track of them in the designer.
