Overload and Shadwos


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2003
Holstein, Germany.
Strange this is. Probably I am doing something wrong. But I cant figure out, what.

Class BaseClass
  Public Sub LoadList (dvView as DataView) ...
End Class

Here comes what I wish I could do:

Class HeikosClass Inherits BaseClass
  Public Shadows Sub LoadList (dvView as DataView) ...
  Public Overloads Sub LoadList (dtTable as DataTable) ...
  Public Overloads Sub LoadList (myTablename as String) ...
End Class

The compiler wont allow that.
The second and third LoadList must be declared shadows, because another Method with this name is declare shadows.

OK. However I can not declare them
Public Overloads Shadows Sub LoadList (myTablename as String) ...

(wouldnt make any sense in the first place) - the compiler complains again: Overloads and Shwdows can not be combined.

I am stuck.

Any help appreciated.
Tnx Heiko
Im not entirely sure what youre trying to do, and why you need Shadows. Is it that the baseclass isnt written by you? If it is, you could do this:

Class BaseClass
    Public Overridable Sub LoadList(ByVal dvView As DataView)

    End Sub
End Class

Class HeikosClass
    Inherits BaseClass
    Public Overloads Overrides Sub LoadList(ByVal dvView As DataView)

    End Sub
    Public Overloads Sub LoadList(ByVal dtTable As DataTable)

    End Sub
    Public Overloads Sub LoadList(ByVal myTablename As String)

    End Sub
End Class
It is not exactly written be me.


But by the guy sitting opposite to me :)

Thanks. What an obvious solution.

But I guess if I ever wanted to do this with a base class that is out of my reach, Id be stranded, right?
No, you could still do it. Youd have to put Shadows on all your LoadList methods in the new class, and not use Overloads at all. That should work.