Im making a quesiton/answer based program. I have about everything working on it except for this...
How do I store values inside radio buttons?
For example, What I would like to do is:
After chosing an answer for the previous question, and going to the next question, chosing another answer for that question.
Then going back to the previous question, and I would like to have it to show what I answered for that question, and vise versa.
Almost everything I tried gave an error, and forced me to exit the program, heh. Heres what Ive tried, hopefully, Im not too far off.
I set variables:
Any ideas of what I might do differently? Links//Help would be appreciated.
How do I store values inside radio buttons?
For example, What I would like to do is:
After chosing an answer for the previous question, and going to the next question, chosing another answer for that question.
Then going back to the previous question, and I would like to have it to show what I answered for that question, and vise versa.
Almost everything I tried gave an error, and forced me to exit the program, heh. Heres what Ive tried, hopefully, Im not too far off.
I set variables:
dim a, b, c as string This one didnt work, on the next question, it changed previoius answers.
if rdoA.checked=true then
If rdoB.checked= true then
if rdoC.checked=true then
end if
end if
I tried just reversing the check state, didnt work though, it made each of them selected continuously.
dim a as string="A"
dim b as string="B"
if a="A" then
Tried to nest it into my if statements, that gave the microsoft send error report message., had to exit program.
dim x as integer
i have statements here for the list box//question//answer//valadation checks arrays
tried using same code from above
if x <4then
if x=0 then
if rdoA.checked=true then
If rdoB.checked= true then
if rdoC.checked=true then
end if
end if
end if
end if
Any ideas of what I might do differently? Links//Help would be appreciated.