HTML Control


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2003
Hull, UK
Is there a control where i can make some html in memory (or to a file) and show it? Or is it possible to make links in a RTF control? If there is an html control is it avaliable on the pocketpc sdk?

Is there any neat html parsers bundeld with .NET, bascially for just stripping tags..
Theres nothing like that in .NET, no. Your best option is probably to use the webbrowser control.
can that take an input stream at all?

And how do you add it a project , cant seem to find it anywhere.
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You have to add it to your toolbox. Right-click on toolbox, Customize Toolbox. And no, it cant really take an input stream.

I discovered this today, which may be exactly what youre looking for.
...or you could access the HTML DOM directly by referencing
Microsoft.mshtml in your project, and work with the
HTMLDocumentClass class (in the mshtml namespace).
To view an HTML document, youd need the WebBrowser control,
like divil mentioned, or you could launch it directly in a browser
if you wanted.
Use the last link I posted, it does exactly what youre looking for and is better than the webbrowser control (far more lightweight).
hmm just looked at it, there is no source for the HTMLEditor control and i cant really use propriety controls in my project..

Also it doesnt seem to work in my copy of .NET, but if i ignore build errors it does..
Strange, I downloaded it from the site and it contains full source. Also I havent tried using the control at design time, only runtime.
divil, could you e-mail to me p dot e dot price at dcs dot hull dot ac dot uk (phew!), that would be great. When i tried it all i got was HTMLControl.dll, and a form that uses it..