Who know vb.net microsoft form 2.0 - combo


Mar 21, 2003
Who know how to used vb.net microsoft form 2.0 - Combo ? It seem like different from default combo. Does it support multi columns? if yes, can show some sample? thanks you and wait for prompts reply.
Im not sure what youre referring to, the .net combobox control is just the win32 combobox, nothing special.
In our Com components in Vb.net, we have FM20.dll, which contain Microsoft Forms 2.0 ComboBox, you may check it out.
for people to use the FM20.dll , they must have microsoft office ( 98 / 2000 ) installed on their system, otherwise it wont work ( the app will crash ) , so wouldnt it be better to use the normal combo box:-\ , the only major difference with a forms 2 combo or listbox etc... is that some unicode chars show in them which wont show in the normal combos, however in .net this is no longer a problem as the chars will show in the standard controls anyway.
So does any way can i used for display multi column purpose for Combo when user click drop down ?
Do any sample or ocx allow me to do that?
Sorry I cant help with the multiple-columns question. I do know there are a TON of custom controls out there, many free and some include source code, that will allow it.

Heres some more info on the Forms 2.0 "stuff" from Microsoft:
The Fm20.dll is NOT redistributable. You must have an application such as Microsoft Office 97 on the target system that installs Fm20.dll as part of its setup. You may not distribute the Fm20.dll as part of your setup, even if you purchase the Microsoft Office Developer Edition product.

As an alternative to having your end users install Microsoft Office, you can have them freely download and install the Microsoft ActiveX Control Pad, which also installs the Fm20.dll.

NOTE: The use of these Microsoft Forms components in your own compiled applications, such as those written with Microsoft Visual C++ and Microsoft Visual Basic, is not recommended or supported. These controls were designed and tested to work exclusively within Microsoft Office and its Visual Basic for Applications environment.
