Integer Values for system.drawing.colors?


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2002
Ashby, Leicestershire.
Hi could someone tell me if its possible to convert a system.drawing.color ( or just color ) to a numerical value ( integer ) eg: to its 00100000 value
[Broken External Image]:
^^^ this picture probably wont show because its using geocities, this is a link that opens it in a new window usually ( showing an example of what im trying to acheive )
status bar coloured through .net you have to right click this *** and open in new window.
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thanks Divil:) that returns a numeric value with a - like -1956007 etc... when i use
MsgBox(Color.Blue.ToArgb)Numeric for colour returned in a MessageBox
, altho if i use that value to colour my statusbar it gives a different colour lol, but hey nevermind atleast it does something.
You should be using FromArgb(...) when setting the color of your status bar.

Are you converting to a number because youre storing something in the registry, a file, or someplace else? Otherwise you can set the color property on a control to another controls property...

Either way, you should have the exact same color. The ARGB format contains everything there is to know about a color. One value used on multiple controls should not be any different. If used on separate machines, there might be a difference (for any number of reasons).

there isnt a colour property for a statusbar, i can colour it with an integer in the following way...
 Private Const SB_SETBKCOLOR As Integer = 8193this is the numeric value for setting the colour of the statusbar
Private Const SETCOLOR As Integer = 3776961This is the actuall colour you are setting the statusbar to, the number being the colour ( eg:3776961 would return a mustard colour )
i use that in combination with the SendMessage function.
however if you send a colour value as etc or , it wont work because it needs to be a numerical value for some reason.
Youll have to tweak it slightly. The .NET colors are in the format AARRGGBB, the ones that the SETCOLOR message wants is in the format 00BBGGRR. Use this format:

// The first param, 0, is the alpha - needs to be 0 for SETCOLOR messages
Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Red.B, Color.Red.G, Color.Red.R).ToArgb()

From the FromArgb method, you can see what youd need to do to get a color converted from one format to another...
