Need help


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2002
Rio de Janeiro
Im doing an app that show some questions to the user and some options for him to choose. The thing is that sometimes the question requires raddiobuttons and sometimes it requires checkboxes. Whats the best way to alternate between radiobuttons and checkboxes? I started adding the controls at runtime, but I guess its not the best way to do this. Maybe I should add them at project time and use the BringToFront and BringToBack methods.

Can anyone help me with that?
You can put 2 panels on the form and put all checkboxes and radio buttons in them and then just make panels visible or not visible whenever you need the checkbox or radio button one.
Yes, I was doing it this way, but when I added the second panel it went inside the first panel, i found that very boring yo work with. But Ill give it another try. Thanks
If it goes into the first panel just drag it out, or instead of double clicking the control in the toolbar click on it once and draw it yourself on the form.