

Mar 14, 2003
hi ,
we have another problem.we meet a problem at each step. So far, we developed root designer for our custom document and view for designer. we can add our usercontrols into toolbox and drag them into this document. everything works well.
we have a test class whose designer our root designer. with this class everthing works well. but we dont want to use it. because we want to generate our custom template file which includes xml code.it becomes a test file of our project.however rootdesigner must be referenced via anything,what?
we want to tie our xml file to our root designer.

we think that VS.net also generates designers for each project item template for example XML Schema. when we add a xml schema to any project, how VS.NET can tie special editor(view+xml) to xsd file?
we want to provide functionality for our template.How can we do this?
does registry do this?
thanks for your attention.
Youd probably have more luck posting this question on the Microsoft newsgroups, in the microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.windowsforms.designtime group.