ASP.NET problem


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2002
Rio de Janeiro
A friend of mine is recieving the following message whenever he opens a ASP.NET Project:

"The file failed to load in the Web Form designer. Please correct the following error, the load it again: The desiger could not be shown for this file because none of the classes within it can be designed. The designer inspected the following classes in the file:

WebForm1 --- the designer for base class System.Web.UI.Page is not installed."

Is it a VS.NET installation problem?

Hmm.. seems like an odd error. Have you tried downloading the .NET Framework and re-installing it?
Sounds like something from the .net sdk (framework, whatever) didnt get installed. VS is just the IDE to use that.. I dont know how it is on other versions of VS but on mine (Academic version) I had to install the SDK first. So he may want to try downloading a fresh copy and re-installing that. Wouldnt take more then 10 mins and probly worth a try.