Slow response when running app


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2003
The application I running following deployment runs somewhat slower than I expected.

1. It takes a minimum of 10 seconds before the splash screen appears.

2. All forms whenopening have a combobox which references datasets of data in a mdb file in My Documents, there is a delay when each form opens. I intend for the mdb to be on a server which will mean even slower this the norm?

3. Am I correct in assuming the delay at the beginning is due to the .NET Framework loading before my app?

4. Is having comboboxes referencing disconnected data the wrong way to go about it?

5. I have been on an intensive learning curve to migrate from AccessXP/VBA to use VB.NET/ADO.NET as it now seems so much easier to create front end apps.....but the slow response wont go down well me thinks :confused:
Im affraid you have to live with it. When in editor and debuging the application will run soo slooowwww.... but once running standalone it is much faster (still nowhere near as fast as VB6) but hey what a second?

Is there anything happening before you show your splash screen? For instance, are you creating a connection to your database or anything else? Assuming the first thing your app does is show your splash screen, it should come up in under a second when you run your app outside the IDE.

If youre showing a "main" form first and youre having that main form show the splash screen, check what the "main" form is doing. If you show your splash screen in the other forms Load event, youre waiting too long. Id suggest showing the splash screen in the other forms constructor BEFORE it calls InitializeComponent (which might take awhile to run if you have a lot of controls on your form).

Also, make sure you build in Release mode to test so you can see what the end-user will be using.


the app just shows the splashform first, nothing fancy there then opens the main form. But all my setup files are in a folder called debug, the release one is empty.

So am I supposed to be changing a setting somewhere to go to release and does the release went made run faster?
In the solution explorer click on the root node the Solution <name of solution> in the propertys window select active configeration and set to release then compile.

The "Standard" toolbar should also have a combobox with the default configurations (Debug and Release). If you hid it, right click on the toolbar and select "Standard" to turn that toolbar back on. Just pull down the combo and switch to Release - it will change all projects in your solution.

You can also use the Build menu, Configuration Manager to change Debug/Release for each project in your solution (or all at once for all projects).

OK, but every time I select release(active) in the drop down box and click ok then build it ends up changing back to debug?

I have a real problem now that when I install this app on a target PC it runs very slow. For example, one form opens up and refreshes a combobox with data from an mdb file on out file server. It is only pulling back 4 fields and at present there are only two row in the table. The form takes 11 seconds to open! This is happening on all forms. The time improves but changes from 3-5 seconds a go.

The same happens on selecting from the drop down to reteive the data. Again, only about 12 fields from one row being returned.

If I run this with the database on the hard disk it is almost instant. So could someone see my post re which is the best method under Databases please??
BUGGER! Done it again. OK re read what you said Nerseus and got it to compile to release mode and yes there is a distinct speed increase, although fisrt time in there is a pause which subsides. The request re database method still stands though cheers