Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.


Mar 9, 2003
Plaese help me solve this problem
Im trying to open form2 from form1
then open form3 from form2 at the same time close form2
then close form3
then start over open form2 from form1
I get this error : Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Any Idea???
I have attached the code.

[edit] Please dont upload binaries in attachments - divil [/edit]


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I didnt get an error. The only time Ive had this exception happen is when I have embedded resources in a program and Im lacking a manifest file (on Windows XP).
Dear divil
I still have this error. Im using Win2000. does it have to do anything with it?
I got the error, this is what I did

Open Form2
Click to open Form3 and close Form2
Close Form3
... til here everything is OK then try it again without closing Form1, the error appears

Attached you will find how I solved it, I think is the way you declared your Forms, the code I use in the example Im sendig you works fine
