Hello found some snippets but coudlnt figure out how to use it
the code is written in VB and i am using C# thats not the problem, but i get an message that the type is read only ???
anyone knows how to edit the textboxes in runtime...
i am not using template columns rather i use boundColumns...
I want to set properties of the textboxes programatically.
For example:
If ((e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.EditItem) then
dim tb as TextBox
tb = e.Item.FindControl("txtBox")
tb.Font = valid font info object
tb.Style = "valid style setting string"
tb.Width = whatever
End If
the code is written in VB and i am using C# thats not the problem, but i get an message that the type is read only ???
anyone knows how to edit the textboxes in runtime...
i am not using template columns rather i use boundColumns...
I want to set properties of the textboxes programatically.
For example:
If ((e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.EditItem) then
dim tb as TextBox
tb = e.Item.FindControl("txtBox")
tb.Font = valid font info object
tb.Style = "valid style setting string"
tb.Width = whatever
End If