Is there a difference in the rtf file format used by the richtextbox control
and the rtf format used in ms outlook?
Im using this routing to send an email based on the formatted content of a rich text box but I am getting strange differences shown in the attached screenshot (follow link below).
Does anyone have any ideas why this might be happening.
and the rtf format used in ms outlook?
Im using this routing to send an email based on the formatted content of a rich text box but I am getting strange differences shown in the attached screenshot (follow link below).
Does anyone have any ideas why this might be happening.
Private Sub Mailreport()
Dim SendMail As System.Diagnostics.Process _
= System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("mailto:? Subject=Database Report - " & strTitle & " &body=" & Me.rtbReport.Rtf & "")
End Sub