Nice and easy wizards forms (VB.NET)


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2003
UK - Greece
Does anyone know the best way to create a wizard inside an application in vb ? I have some specific operations in my software that requires a specific way to enter some data. I found the best way to do it is to create wizards, (since the program must be able to be used by dummies).
So i need to create a dozen wizards for several things. Every wizard will have about 4-10 sreens. All the data from all the screens will have to be collected at the end of the wizard and sent to a function (DB related).
Also the wizards must have next and back buttons just like for example the installers of programs have.

Ive had several ideas... But my knowledge is not that wide, so im looking for a better one.
How can we know if someone has a better idea when you dont present yours? :)

Id probably go for a generic wizard (UI), then a context-related business rules tier and specific data access classes.
Sure :)
My ideas are plain, and not very easy to create
1st several forms, one form for each screen,then closing and showing the next one, which has a problem cause you cant go back. Not a very good one i vae to say
2nd several dialogs, dialog after dialog etc.., again the back is not the easyest thing to do.
3rd Most convinient but not at all practical in design several panels hidden, each step shows the next panel. But unless there is a way to use layers or something in the IDE of .NET that is not so pretty.

Now shoot. :)

Also Heiko -> What do you mean be Generic wizard, where do i find that ?
Oh, you cant find that. Youll have to program that.

Well maybe my idea was a bit over the top, I mean for 10 cases it will probably be more effective to arrange all forms manually.

re: cant go back:
Why not? You could have a wizard manager class, this class would (internally) know how many forms there will be altogether. This class would also be able to move forwards and backwards by hiding/showing forms and keeping the data in its several stages.
Hard when you dont know how, yeah :)

Reading the articles I wrote on designers should help, if you want to learn. Go to Project -> Add UserControl and work from there!
noob question:
This is way cool.
I would like to add this to my toolbox for future use, but I havent
added a custum control to my toolbox yet.
Instructions on how to do this or a reference would be greatly

Right click on your toolbox, and select Customize Toolbox. Jump to the .NET tab on the customize toolbox dialog.