Sub Main not found in project1


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2003
San Antonio Texas
Hello All,

First timer here.

Im haveing problems. I have just installed and im trying to do my first program.
When i click on the windows application for VB it loads and tells me the the module can not be found. Then in the task list it says sub main not found in project1.

Any ideals on this i have uninstalled four times to get the same thing on reinstall.

open visual studio .Net

i have the new projects set to open first

then i click on visual basic projects

then on windows application

it trys to load and then i get this msg

the specified module could not be found

i click ok

then in the task list is says

sub mian was not found in windowsapplication3

on your program you sent

i unzip and click on the TestApp.vbproj file and it loads i press f5 and run and i see button1 when clicked it says it worked

yes i did and when i first run the template it just has sub main for the project and i cant add any forms to change it.

hmm, this weird. Try this...
Open the sln (solution) in file I sent, right click the project(in the solution explorer) and Add New Item, then select Windows Forms.
have u tried right clicking on your project and going to props and setting startup object as sub main
if it aint int he list then

make a class

and create a sub main

and instantiate the main form in that process and then select that block as startup object