<alliteration>Buffers are baffling to me.</alliteration>
I understand the concept of buffers. You put data into a buffer, send it to the recipient, that data goes into a buffer, the data is read from it.
Now then, its rather difficult to explain my question. I know how to use buffers, but Id like to know more.
Ive read countless articles on vb.net networking, most by microsoft, but some questions remain. Here are some specific questions maybe someone can answer for me.
Why does the buffersize matter? If the size is to large, will vb attempt to send all of the data at once or split it up? Ive heard reccommended buffer sizes of about 2K up to even 32K !
If data is split up at all when transfering, when vb says ive received data, is it all of the data that the client originally sent, or just what its received so far?
In microsofts example of a chat app, the receiver waited for a line feed before processing. However, I couldnt tell if the sender was manually splitting up these chunks or if it sent the whole line using send, then vb split the data up.
Hopefully you can see what area of buffering I have some confusion about by these two questions. Basically, Id like to know all of what vb.net is doing behind the scenes when Im sending and receiving.
Please, answers to these specific questions along with any resources would be greatly appreciated.
- Mark
I understand the concept of buffers. You put data into a buffer, send it to the recipient, that data goes into a buffer, the data is read from it.
Now then, its rather difficult to explain my question. I know how to use buffers, but Id like to know more.

Ive read countless articles on vb.net networking, most by microsoft, but some questions remain. Here are some specific questions maybe someone can answer for me.
Why does the buffersize matter? If the size is to large, will vb attempt to send all of the data at once or split it up? Ive heard reccommended buffer sizes of about 2K up to even 32K !
If data is split up at all when transfering, when vb says ive received data, is it all of the data that the client originally sent, or just what its received so far?
In microsofts example of a chat app, the receiver waited for a line feed before processing. However, I couldnt tell if the sender was manually splitting up these chunks or if it sent the whole line using send, then vb split the data up.
Hopefully you can see what area of buffering I have some confusion about by these two questions. Basically, Id like to know all of what vb.net is doing behind the scenes when Im sending and receiving.
Please, answers to these specific questions along with any resources would be greatly appreciated.
- Mark