Can someone help me please


Active member
Jan 15, 2003
Ontario, Canada
I have been working through the SAMS teach yourself ASP.NET in
21 Days book, and I very stuck on something that the author
left "to me" to solve.

In a nutshell, he has created an updatable datagrid, that has
three columns, ID, COlor, Change. When you click on the edit link
in the change coloumn, you can type a new color and the rows
back color will be set to that color. He defines the table manually,
and uses an array to store the color value for each row. Then
uses the OnItemCreated event to draw the color for each row.

The problem is, the method he uses, because the OnItemCreated
event fires BEFORE the row is actually created, he colors the row
created previously. Using this method, the last row doesnt get
colored, and cant be changed. He has left it up to us to solve
this problem, and it is driving me NUTS! :(

The code is below, it is lengthy, I apologize...
<%@ Page Language="VB" ContentType="text/html" ResponseEncoding="iso-8859-1" debug="true"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import NameSpace="System.Data.OleDb" %>

<script runat="server">
	dim ds as DataSet
	dim blnSet as Boolean = False
	Sub Page_Load(obj as Object, e as EventArgs)
		ds = CreateDataSet
		blnSet = true
		If Not Page.IsPostBack then
		End If
	End Sub
	Sub BindGrid()
		dgColors.DataMember = "Colors"
	End Sub
	Sub ChangeColor(obj as Object, e as DataGridItemEventArgs)
		dim intIndex as Integer = e.Item.ItemIndex
		If blnSet Then
			If intIndex > 0 Then
				dgColors.Items(intIndex - 1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.FromName(ds.Tables _
("Colors").Rows(intIndex - 1)("Color"))
				dgColors.Items(intIndex - 1).ForeColor = Drawing.Color.FromName(ds.Tables _
			End If
		End If
	End Sub
	Sub dgColors_Edit(obj as Object, e as DataGridCommandEventArgs)
		dgColors.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex
	End Sub
	Sub dgColors_Cancel(obj as Object, e as DataGridCommandEventArgs)
		dgColors.EditItemIndex = -1
	End Sub
	Sub dgColors_Update(obj as Object, e as DataGridCommandEventArgs)
		dim strColor as String = CType(e.Item.Cells(1).Controls(0), TextBox).Text
		ds.Tables("Colors").Rows(e.Item.ItemIndex)("Color") = strColor
		ViewState("Colors")(e.Item.ItemIndex) = strColor
		dgColors.EditItemIndex = -1
	End Sub
	function CreateDataSet as DataSet
		create an array of colors
		dim i as integer
		dim arrColors() as String
		if ViewState("Colors") is Nothing then
			arrColors = new String(6) {"Red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "indigo", "Violet"}
			ViewState("Colors") = arrColors
			arrColors = ViewState("Colors")
		End If
		 create an empty dataset
		ds = new DataSet("MyDataSet")
		Create a new table and columns
		dim dTable as New DataTable("Colors")
		dTable.Columns.Add("Color", GetType(String))
		dTable.Columns.Add("ID", GetType(Int32))
		add table
		add rows
		for i = 0 to 6
			dim dr as DataRow = dTable.NewRow()
			dr(0) = arrColors(i).ToString
			dr(1) = i
		return ds
	End function

<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
	<form runat="server">
		<ASP:DataGrid runat="server" id="dgColors" AutoGenerateColumns="false" Width="200" 
OnEditCommand="dgColors_Edit" OnCancelCommand="dgColors_Cancel" OnUpdateCommand="dgColors_Update" 
			<asp:templatecolumn HeaderText="ID">
					<asp:label id="lblID" runat="server" Text=<%# Container.DataItem("ID") %> />
			<asp:boundcolumn DataField="Color" HeaderText="Color" />
			<asp:editcommandcolumn HeaderText="Change" EditText="Edit" UpdateText="Change" CancelText="Cancel" />

Can anyone PLEASe, PLEASE tell me how to solve the mystery of
changing the code to allow the last row to be colored?

Thanks so much,

[edit]use VB tags instead of PHP[/edit]
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