Create SQL database


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2003
Cincinnati, Ohio
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Ive been trying to create a new MSDE database in Server Explorer. The following instructions are from the vs help files.

To create a new SQL Server database

Right-click the Data Connections node and choose Create New SQL Server Database.
The Create Database dialog box appears.

Enter the server name where the database will be located.
Enter the name of the new database.
Select either Use Windows NT Authentication or Use SQL Server Authentication.
For more information on SQL Server database access authentication, see "Authentication Modes" in SQL Server Books Online.

Click OK.
The new SQL Server database appears in Server Explorer.

I cant create the new data base in this way because when I right-click my Data Connections node, the "Create New SQL
Server Database" is grayed out. Any ideas why this might be
or how I can get past this?
You should be able to connect to MSDE, but not MS SQL Server in Visual Basic .NET Standard Edition. I believe thats what youre trying to do, correct?
Its been interesting to realize how much harder it has been to work with msde in the standard edition.
Yes, I can connect to msde and I think I could connect to the ms sql server.
However, I have to create my databases through Access then convert them via an upsizing wizard that creates
an sql database.
There is no means of managing permissions so I had to learn osql, writing to the msde via a command prompt, before I could access the db.
Once I do get the db open in server explorer, I can do a minimum of manipulation of the db. (add rows)

Great learning experience I suppose. Gave me the behind the scenes view. I didnt realize it could be done more easily until recently.
