Open Directory


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2003
I need an OpenDirectory dialog, like the OpenFileDialog but without the need to specify a file. The dialog would return the path to the dir not a file.

Is this something i have to write, or is there already a control for this?
well after all, its just a listview, 2 folder icons, and very simple navigate functions.
We could also trick a SaveDialog into this. The filename would need to be disabled or even hidden. Give it a default filename and then extract the path without this filename. (the dialog caption would also need to be changed)

Im not into owner drawing, but if someone has a simple way to go about this, id be happy to hear..
Let me add this. Its a damn good dll.
the locations and styles unum are awsome...
Good one mutant..
Real thanks go to Derek Stone for providing that example :)
I learned from that example too.