Radiobox problem


Apr 1, 2003
I am working a project where I need 3 radio boxes

radiobox1 (Happy)
radiobox2 (sad)
radiobox3 (angry)

when radiobox1(happy) is clicked and generate (button1) pressed it generates a random number, based on that number a HAPPY sentence will be displayed in textbox1.text

If radiobox2 (sad) button1 will generate a SAD sentence. like wise for radiobox3 (angry)

This is what I have under each radiobox

Randomize control for radiobox1
Dim A As Integer
A = Int(Rnd() * 5) + 1
If A = 1 Then TextBox1.Text = "happy 1"
If A = 2 Then TextBox1.Text = "Happy 2"
If A = 3 Then TextBox1.Text = "Happy 3"
If A = 4 Then TextBox1.Text = "Happy 4"
If A = 5 Then TextBox1.Text = "Happy 5"
End Randomize control

The same applies for radiobox2 & 3 except that the sentence is either angry or sad.

Here is where I am stuck. I cannot firgure how to get button1 (Generate) to start the process.

I am new to and have 2 books, I have tried different things including if, elseif.

I am just brain dead.
Move your code into a procedure which handles the Click event for the button. The only changes which need to be made would be some code to determine which optionbutton is selected.
this is where Im at

I wrote this code into the button1 field

If RadioButton1.Checked = True Then TextBox1.Text = ("box1")

If RadioButton2.Checked = True Then TextBox1.Text = ("box2")

If RadioButton3.Checked = True Then TextBox1.Text = ("box3")

I am trying to get the sub routine to work with this
Inside the If Then...End If blocks, place your happy/sad/angry generating code.

If RadioButton1.Checked Then
    Generate happy
ElseIf RadioButton2.Checked Then
    Generate sad
ElseIf RadioButton3.Checked Then
    Generate angry
End If
Thank you

That worked. I dont understand why I keep having problems with the elseif tag.

I truly appreciate the help.