Data Form Wizard


Apr 7, 2003
New to this today.....could you tell me what i am doing wrong
when i used the data form wizard...... the form has all the information i requested - buttons, etc but when i run it....with focus on the main design....another form with nothing on it comes i supposed to do to make this work?
i have adapter
data set
Does your project have more than one form? Is the data form with everything on it Form2? Check your project properties and see what the Startup is set to - Id bet its Form1 (or some form thats NOT your data form).

If you have a Sub Main, you can also look in there for a line like Application.Run(...) and make sure that its running your data form, not some other form.

If you only have one form, let us know. Theres a small bug that crops up from time to time in the IDE that erases a few lines of code that are relatively easy to put back (maybe) :)

Wizard - Data Form

Hi, Thanks for the reply

I have two forms
WindowsApplication1- which has the text boxes, buttons, etc
and when I run.....another form comes up Form1 - which has nothing in it....and my WindowsApplication1 does not show...
If i place focus on WindowsApplication1 - Form1 still loads after it runs....which says to me that they are connected but i / it (wizard) has not placed anything on the Form1 so it cannot display this normal....if it is how to i get to see my data...
The whole procedure went as follows -
new project
windows application
Add new item
Data Form Wizard
Which data set i want to use....i choose new one (ASD)
Which connection should the wizard use - i choose my database (access that i have on my harddrive)....this is a new database however i did enter information in my client and staff field
Choose tables or views - i choose clients and staff
I next choose Staff as parent and clients as child / rename the relationship staff discount...choose the staffID and clientID as the keys
Now when it runs i get the form1 form which has nothing on it.....what do i need to do