Object and Class Confusion


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2002
Iowa, United States

How do I use an object created in a DLL in my form.

For instance, I have Class Library named PB and a class named Comm. Now, I have a sub that creates a TCPClient in my Comm class.
In my form class I create a new object of Comm. And run the method to create the TCPClient.

How do I reference that in my form?

Here is my class code:
    Const PORT_NUM As Int16 = 5000
    Const READ_BUFFER_SIZE As Integer = 255

    Public objClient As TcpClient
    Public Delegate Sub DisplayInvoker(ByVal t As String)

    Public Sub CreateTCPClient()
        objClient = New TcpClient("localhost", PORT_NUM)
    End Sub

     Use a StreamWriter to send a message to server.
    Private Sub SendData(ByVal data As String)
        Dim writer As New IO.StreamWriter(objClient.GetStream)
        writer.Write(data & vbCr)
    End Sub

End Class

In my form code I dimension and create a new PB.Comm object named Client. I then run the method CreateTCPClient in the OnLoad routine.

Any help on using that newly created objClient object in my form code? Or am I going about this the wrong way?
Hi - my suggestion would be:

Add a property to your class code and change the modifiers:
Public objClient As TcpClient
change to:
private objClient As TcpClient

Public Readonly Property CurrentClient as TcpClient
 check if you got a instance of one, and create if neccessary
  If objClient is Nothing Then
  End If
  Return objClient
End Get
End Property

you can now also change the modifier on your create function to private

This allow the form to ask for a tcpclient, without it needing to create one before it can use it. The responsibility of creating the tcpClient will now reside with your Class.

Hope it helps...

o, btw....

Use regions for comment blocks rather than the way you did it above, e.g.
  your declarations here.....
#End Region

Cheers :)
Hmmm.... ok, maybe Im not getting it or I didnt explain it very well. Here is my entire Comm class so far:

Option Explicit On 
Option Strict On

Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text

Public Class Comm

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

#Region "Global Declarations"

    Const PORT_NUM As Int16 = 5000
    Const READ_BUFFER_SIZE As Integer = 255

    Private objClient As TcpClient

    Public Delegate Sub DisplayInvoker(ByVal t As String)

#End Region

    Private Sub CreateTCPClient()
        objClient = New TcpClient("localhost", PORT_NUM)
    End Sub

     Use a StreamWriter to send a message to server.
    Private Sub SendData(ByVal data As String)
        Dim writer As New IO.StreamWriter(objClient.GetStream)
        writer.Write(data & vbCr)
    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property CurrentClient() As TcpClient
            check if you got a instance of one, and create if neccessary
            If objClient Is Nothing Then
            End If
            Return objClient
        End Get
    End Property

End Class

Now thats in the Comm.vb file in the PB class library. Here is the OnLoad method in the frmCChat.vb file in my Chat windows application.

Private Sub frmCMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            objClient = Client.CurrentClient()

             Start an asynchronous read invoking DoRead to avoid lagging the user interface.
            objClient.GetStream.BeginRead(readBuffer, 0, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, AddressOf DoRead, Nothing)

             Make sure the window is showing before popping up connection dialog.
            DisplayText("Connected to host" & vbCrLf)
        Catch Ex As Exception
            MsgBox("Could not connect to server.  Please try again later.", _
                   MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, Me.Text)
        End Try
    End Sub

Is the objClient = Client.CurrentClient line correct? (I already created the object Client in the global declarations). If it is correct, why is objClient not a TcpClient object? Such as the next line below it is not correct.
You dont need the objClient object in the load event, if you already hold the Client object on class level, e.g.
Private Sub frmCMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
             Start an asynchronous read invoking DoRead to avoid lagging the user interface.
            Client.CurrentClient.GetStream.BeginRead(readBuffer, 0, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, AddressOf DoRead, Nothing)

             Make sure the window is showing before popping up connection dialog.
            DisplayText("Connected to host" & vbCrLf)
        Catch Ex As Exception
            MsgBox("Could not connect to server.  Please try again later.", _
                   MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, Me.Text)
        End Try
    End Sub
will work if you declared:
you dont need to instanciate the object here, eg. you might want to do it in the load event...
private Client as PB.Comm = new PB.Comm
in the form..

Hope its clearer
Well, my Client object isnt accessable in my other routines if I declare it in the OnLoad event, should I declare it globally? Would that work then? Would I just move the Dim Client As PB.Client = New PB.Client line to the global dec area?
Thats what I meant with:

will work if you declared:

you dont need to instanciate the object here, eg. you might want to do it in the load event...
Private Client As PB.Comm = New PB.Comm


in the form..
Nevermind I got it... man Im just not thinking at all today... must need more sleep... :)

I put "Dim Client As PB.Comm" in the global decs area, and put Client = New PB.Comm in the OnLoad event.