Windows Services


Nov 16, 2002
Birmingham, UK
Does anyone have any idea of how I could create a windows service that accepts configuration information?

Ideally, I was hoping there would be a way to add a tab to the Serives plugin in the control panel, that would allow the user to specify some configuration information for the Service.

The only other way I can think of doing it, is to provide a stand alone config program, or a MMC snap in that stors the config info in the registry for my service to retrieve, but ideally if possible Id like to do what Ive suggested above.

Any help would be appreciated.


What kind of configuration information? Im not really sure what you mean. But I think you might be able to get by with a text file or something that the service can read. Im pretty sure you cant actually "interact" with the service except for starting, stopping, pausing, etc. the service. Or create a "client" program that communicates with the service through sockets.
Phreak is right, you can create a service class that reads from a file the configuration info you want to input, but there is no ui for
a service.