Where are all the old functions like OnClick and OnMinimize?


Mar 19, 2003
I have a windows form. I want it to do something when its minimized. It used to be all youd have to do is write code in the OnMinimize section. This, along with onclick, onMouseOver, etc, seem to be long gone in .Net. Where have they gone, and how can I get them back?
If you want to override these methods, you need to inherit the
Form first, because they are Protected methods.

I think, however, that youre referring to the Forms events. In
this case, inside the code window in VS.NET there are two
dropdown menus at the top of the window. The first lets you
choose a control (choose "(Base Class Events)"), and then the
other dropdown lets you choose the event. An event handler will
be created for you.