DataBiding objects


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2003
I want to bind a classs properties to a control or a group of controls.
Could you give some starter reading directions or where to look for Databiding with objects (not datasets)?
Merrion, i opened a new thread because it seemed that you were already well ahead in the topic (asking a very specific question) while I dont know where to begin looking.
Besides, my question wouldnt have added anything to your quiery but you might as well benefit from answers here.
OK - in your class you need to specify the attribute <Bindable()> for those properties that are bindable....

Public Class WeatherReport

  Private _mStationName As String 

   <Bindable(True)> _ 
   Public Property WeatherStationName() As String
          Return _mStationName
      End Get
      Set (value As String)
          _mStationName = value
      End Set
   End Property
End Class

In my case I have a component class that inherits from <b>IBindableList</b> because it is a collection of weather reports that need to be displayed in a data grid...not sure how to bind a single object though.
Thank you Merrion.

I want to bind a classs properties to a control or a group of controls.
Could you give some starter reading directions or where to look for Databiding with objects (not datasets)?

Please, if anyone had any usefull links. id appreciate.
(a "biding" search returns thousands of unusefull info. its too wide. Does this concept have a more specific name than "binding"?)
how do you make the Data connection to your bindable property...????( what provider do you use when you bind to a class?)