

Well-known member
Nov 30, 2002
Rio de Janeiro
Hi! I have to use some pictures in my app and I dont know the best way to store them. I was thinking about an imagelist but the pictures must have an identifier, which is the number of the current question. If the current question number is 57, I
Sounds like a plan; put the identifier number in the file name and
then you can check if it exists before loading it.
If you develop a custom Name/Image collection control/component
(like a custom imagelist), and then use the built in collection editor
to add the pictures (the ones without pictures would have Nothing
for the Picture property), then the picture will be stored in the forms
internal XML resource file. You wont have to worry about dependency
that way. There is documentation in the MSDN about developing
components and using collections, etc. If you prefer to do this without
dependency, then I suggest you get reading. :)