CaNaDiAn BaCoN
Im working on my RPG Engine, ArrowRPG (I posted about it a while ago, here is the thread).
Im having trouble getting DirectInput to load devices. It gives me an ArgumentException saying that "Value does not fall within the expected range". Here is my code
Ive been working off of the "ActionBasic" sample from the DX9SDK, and Ive almost copied the ActionFormat creation code, but it still doesnt work (Note: ActionBasic runs fine). What am I doing wrong?
I realize that this is a DirectX Graphics Thread, but I couldnt find anywhere better to put this
Im having trouble getting DirectInput to load devices. It gives me an ArgumentException saying that "Value does not fall within the expected range". Here is my code
Importing: Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput, Microsoft.DirectX, System.Threading, System.Collections.Specialized
Public Sub New(ByVal actionMapPath As String)
Dim dlDevices As DeviceList
afActionFormat = New ActionFormat() Note: Protected Member of the Class that this constructs
afActionFormat.ActionMap = Starter.Game.AboutData.Title This provides the title of the ArrowRPG Game
afActionFormat.ActionMapGuid = Starter.Game.ID This provides the GUID of the ArrowRPG Game
afActionFormat.AxisMin = -99
afActionFormat.AxisMax = 99
afActionFormat.BufferSize = 16
Dim asStates As ActionStateCollection = XMLActionMapLoader.Load(Starter.Game.Paths.Settings + "\actions.amx", afActionFormat.Actions)
This loads an XML File to create an ActionMap (Note: Collection is filled properly)
Exception occurs on line below
dlDevices = Manager.GetDevices(afActionFormat, EnumDevicesBySemanticsFlags.Valid)
Dim instance As SemanticsInstance
For Each instance In dlDevices
SetupDevice(instance.Device, asStates)
Catch iex As InputException
Throw New InvalidFileException("Unable to initialize Input Devices, invalid ActionMap", iex)
End Try
thInput = New Thread(AddressOf InputLoop)
thInput.IsBackground = True
thInput.Name = "Input Thread"
End Sub
I realize that this is a DirectX Graphics Thread, but I couldnt find anywhere better to put this