Listview Columnheaders


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2003
San Antonio Texas
Hello All,

I have a form with a listview on it , and a button.

What im trying to do is when you click the button it lets you pick a columnheader to delete or add.

so what i need to know is how to get the index of a columnheader to do this with.

if i have 5 columns and i want to delete column 3 then i just enter 3 and its gone.

Any ideals

I dont know exactly what your problem is.

Do you need a way to let the user enter a number (3 in your example) ?
Do you want to have the user click on a column and then get its index?
no trying to figur out what set a column index

if i choose to add a column then get last column in listview and add to it.

if i delete a column lets say 3 how to tell the program to delete column 3

i got a text box for the input the button ether adds or deletes if colum is there or not. plus two radiobuttons one add one delete. depending on which one is selectid the button will do what it needs to do.
