I have a dataGrid which will be sorted anti chronologically (most recent records at top)
And I want the user to be able to add new records.
To do that, I have added a date column to my data source with a default value and sort the datasource on that column :
So when a user enter a new record, this one will be automatically put at the top of my DataGrid.
Thats what I want, but as the last inserted record will allways be the most recent (date column set to read only), that would be nice to have my new row at the top of my DataGrid and not at the bottom.
Is this possible ?
And I want the user to be able to add new records.
To do that, I have added a date column to my data source with a default value and sort the datasource on that column :
dt is a DataTable filled with my other columns
dim dc as New DataColumn("CREATION_DATE", GetType(Date))
dc.DefaultValue = Date.Now
Dim myView As DataView = dt.DefaultView
myView.Sort = "Creation_Date DESC"
Me.DataGrid1.DataSource = myView
So when a user enter a new record, this one will be automatically put at the top of my DataGrid.
Thats what I want, but as the last inserted record will allways be the most recent (date column set to read only), that would be nice to have my new row at the top of my DataGrid and not at the bottom.
Is this possible ?