ToolTip Delays


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2003
Sacramento, CA
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The Tooltip control has 4 delay switches, Auto Delay which sets a fixed ration for the remaining three delays, Initial Delay which sets the delay for showing the first tooltip on the first control, AutoPopDelay which sets the time the tooltip will be displayed and the Reshow Delay which sets the time for the second tooltip to be shown on the next control.


I you want to set the delay time manually then...

Setting the Auto Delay to 0 should deactivate it completely.
Setting the Initial Delay to 2000 will give a 2 second delay to the first tooltip display on the first control.
Setting the Reshow Delay to 2000 should give a 2 second delay on displaying tooltips to other controls.
And setting the AutoPopup Delay to 5000 should set the tooltip display time to 5 seconds.

But, it doesnt work this way....I think it should....but it doesnt

How can I set the tooltip to a 2 second delay on all controls all the time with a 5 second display time?
