Does anyone know how to get the online time for a screen on AOL Instant Messenger? I want to write an app that will tell me how long someone has been signed on...just like it is in the AIM program.
I dont know of any easy way to do it, but Ive heard of this project that purports to interfacing with all instant messengers. You may be able to delve into the code to see whats going on - a completely non-trivial task Im afraid.
An cheap alternative might be to find the AIM process using the Win32 API and check its running time. That wont show you connected time, just how long the program itself has been running. I dont really know the APIs for that but good luck
u could try making ur own client and getting the time that way. im not sure if it would work in but in vb6 there is an .ocx called tocsock that is for doing aim stuff. there is no offical web-site that i know of, if u want it just search google or ill send it to u.
ok heres tocSock if any one wants it. i wrote some batch files that copies it to system folder and then registers it with windows.
if someone could play around with it and help me out it would be greatly appreciated. ive played around with it for awhile and cant seem to get it to do any thing right, i cant even get it to login.
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