change mouse pointer to Hourglass?


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2003
I want to change the mouse pointer to Busy state(hour glass) during some process
on a web forms( with c#)

how to do it?

Robby, your solution is after process, user move the mouse cursor to the table (example), then it change the mouse pointer.

This is not what arun_mrk want (i think). Some process on the webform mean the client page have not finish download from server, can we control their pointer like what we did in VB6 last time?

arun_mrk, normally in web application, developer wont control the pointer, they just display a "loading..." (example) on a page before the page is fully loaded. I suggest you use this method rather than change the mouse pointer.

Because if you change the mouse pointer to hourglass when I browser your page, I may thought some other process in my PC is running rather than process of your application.
ok thanks for all the replies..
what bungpeng said is all true..
I have shifted recently from client server to web development so may be bcoz of that i was thinking in those lines(chg mouse pointer).
I think i should agree to the earlier post(bungpeng ) and avoid trying changing mouse pointer.
thanks all..