I am writing an app which consumes a external web service. My app sits behind a proxy server. When I first tried to call the external webservice I recieved the error
"The request failed with HTTP status 407: Proxy authentication required."
I looked into why this was happening and found out that the ASPNET user would not have authority to go through the proxy for security reasons. So I found some code to override the proxy shown below
//create a new proxy object
WebProxy myProxy = new System.Net.WebProxy("http://proxy:80", true);
//give proxy users credentials as they can access internet
myProxy.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password", "domainname");
//create an instance of the service to be consumed
//(downloaded using WSDL.exe)
DiscountFileReceiverService service = new DiscountFileReceiverService();
//asigned the proxy object to this service
service.Proxy = myProxy;
I then called the service and got it to work once. A few days laters when trying to run the code I get the 407 error message again. Are there any other factors involved which might be causing the error? Is this the best way to call a web service through a proxy?
I am writing an app which consumes a external web service. My app sits behind a proxy server. When I first tried to call the external webservice I recieved the error
"The request failed with HTTP status 407: Proxy authentication required."
I looked into why this was happening and found out that the ASPNET user would not have authority to go through the proxy for security reasons. So I found some code to override the proxy shown below
//create a new proxy object
WebProxy myProxy = new System.Net.WebProxy("http://proxy:80", true);
//give proxy users credentials as they can access internet
myProxy.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password", "domainname");
//create an instance of the service to be consumed
//(downloaded using WSDL.exe)
DiscountFileReceiverService service = new DiscountFileReceiverService();
//asigned the proxy object to this service
service.Proxy = myProxy;
I then called the service and got it to work once. A few days laters when trying to run the code I get the 407 error message again. Are there any other factors involved which might be causing the error? Is this the best way to call a web service through a proxy?