How can I acomplish this?


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2002
Rio de Janeiro
I have my windows app accessing a web service to get some information. I want to show the user a status form so he knows the app is responding. But when the app is connecting to the web service, the form is frozen until the process is done. Do I have to use a threat?

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Not sure as I havent looked yet to see if this is in VB.NET but I used to use the DoEvents() method when using VBA to allow other things to happen whilst slow bits were in progress
The Apllication.DoEvents() worked, but I also wanted to show something moving on the status form. I made a gif animation and inserted it into a picturebox, but when the status form is loaded it stay frozen until the web request finishes and the gif animation freezes too. I also tried using a timer to change the gif in the picturebox but it doesnt work neither. Any ideas?

You might also want to try the asynchronous versions of the WebService. They should be built automatically and are usually called BeginWebServiceName and EndWebServiceName.
