New member
Apparently Ive been up too long or something, but I seem to be having a problem with my cookies sticking. The following code is suppose to check for a cookie, if it exists update the hit count, otherwise create a new one. The code seems to set the cookie fine for the session (or until IE is closed), but after that, the cookie doesnt seem to exist!
Any thoughts/ideas/smacks upside my head???
The exact code is below:
Any thoughts/ideas/smacks upside my head???
The exact code is below:
Dim objUserCount as Integer = 0
Dim objSiteCount as Integer = 0
Dim objUserBrowser as HttpBrowserCapabilities = Request.Browser
If objUserBrowser.Cookies Then
Cookies Available
Dim objUserCookie As HTTPCookie
Dim objUserCookieCollection As HTTPCookieCollection
Dim forLoop1 As Integer
Dim objUserCookieCheck As Boolean = FALSE
First We Need To Check To See If Our Cookie Exists
objUserCookieCollection = Request.Cookies
For forLoop1 = 0 TO objUserCookieCollection.Count - 1
objUserCookie = objUserCookieCollection(forLoop1)
If objUserCookie.Name = "SPTHOMAS" Then
Cookie Exists
objUserCookieCheck = TRUE
End If
Next forLoop1
After Checking We Need To Determine To Set/Create The Cookie
If objUserCookieCheck Then
Cookie Exists
objUserCookie = objUserCookieCollection("SPTHOMAS")
objUserCount = objUserCookie.Values("HitCount")
objUserCount += 1
objUserCookie.Values("HitCount") = objUserCount
Cookie Doesnt Exist
Dim objUserCookieNew As New HTTPCookie("SPTHOMAS")
objUserCookieNew.Values("HitCount") = 1
objUserCount += 1
End If
End If