Active member
This problem has been a real pain for me
I have a list box on a form which lists the UserNames in my DB(Access). I have a delete method which deletes the currently selected UserName from the DB. However, I cant seem to be able to get the listbox to properly refresh (ie not show the newly deleted UserName) For some reason, after I complete the delete method, the UserName still shows up in the listbox.
Here is my code:
I hope that code is readable.
Any suggestions?
[edit]its more readable with
This problem has been a real pain for me
I have a list box on a form which lists the UserNames in my DB(Access). I have a delete method which deletes the currently selected UserName from the DB. However, I cant seem to be able to get the listbox to properly refresh (ie not show the newly deleted UserName) For some reason, after I complete the delete method, the UserName still shows up in the listbox.
Here is my code:
Populate LstUsers
Sub PopulateLstUsers()
Fill Dataset
OleDbDataAdapter1.Fill(DsEditUsers1, "Users")
Declare Array
Dim ArryEditUsers As ArrayList = New ArrayList()
Dim RowEditUsers As DataRow
Fill Array
For Each RowEditUsers In DsEditUsers1.Tables("Users").Rows
ArryEditUsers.Add(New LookupItem(RowEditUsers("UserID"), RowEditUsers("UserName").ToString()))
Fill List
If ArryEditUsers.Count > 0 Then
lstUsers.DataSource = ArryEditUsers
lstUsers.DisplayMember = "Text"
lstUsers.ValueMember = "ID"
End If
Declare LookupItem
Dim li As LookupItem
Fill LookupItem
li = DirectCast(lstUsers.SelectedItem, LookupItem)
Display List
End Sub
Display User Info
Sub DisplayUserInfo(ByVal ID as Integer)
Display other columns from record in textboxes
End Sub
Click Delete
Private Sub CmdDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdDelete.Click
Are You Sure
If MsgBox("Are You Sure", MsgBoxStyle.OKCancel, "Service Estimate: Warning") = MsgBoxResult.OK Then
Declare ADODB Objects
Dim cnnDelete As New ADODB.Connection()
Open ADODB Connection
cnnDelete.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:\Estimate\EstimatesDB.mdb;", _
"Admin", "")
Declare RecordSet
Dim rstDelete As New ADODB.Recordset()
Dim StrDelete As String = "Select * from Users Where UserID = " & txtUserID.Text & ""
Fill RecordSet
With rstDelete
.ActiveConnection = cnnDelete
.Open(StrDelete, , _
ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, _
End With
Update RecordSet
Close Connection
MsgBox("The User Has Been Deleted", , "Service Estimate")
Refresh LstUsers
MsgBox Not Deleted
MsgBox("User " & txtEditUserName.Text & ", Not Deleted", , "Service Estimate")
End If
End Sub
I hope that code is readable.
Any suggestions?
[edit]its more readable with
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